Wednesday, January 04, 2006

.. and follow me

I've decided to drop out of college.

woah woah andrew wait think about what you're doing, you don't wanna close doors before you've looked inside them. It's ok! All semester i'd been thinking about my dissatisfaction with school and i immediately circumscribed it to me simply being lazy and God wanting me to have more discipline and just get through it. And i believed that. I was being lazy and simply disliking school for selfish reasons. However just because i was disliking it for the wrong reasons doesn't mean it's where God wanted me to be. "It's God's way or not your way." well it wasn't God's way, and it wasn't my way i can say that for sure. I've prayed about it and listened to God and i finally said alright, i won't go to school this semester. Quite honestly i'm scared to not go to school because i have no idea of the future. This is the first time in my life i've been scared about the future, but i'm at peace, content, and even excited about it, because i have to trust in God. The securities of a degree, a job, and money, these things aren't what God wants me to be relying on. "every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be pulled up by the roots" (matt 15:13). i KNOW that this is where God wants me to be and what he wants to be doing with my life.
so what am i gonna do now? go home (i'm in seattle still), get a job and work until i go to Azerbejian with Mike Compton (friend and missionary), then i don't know. Something that's been floating around in my head is going to the torchbearer's spring school in Japan or Costa Rica, and staying there and working possibly in a church. Or maybe i'll stay in Azerbejian i have no clue, but one thing's for sure, i know i'm letting myself go and letting God take me where he wants.

i'm quite scared shedding my securities like this. but what a principle concept in christianity that "whoever wants to save his life will lose it"

There is surely a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off. - Prov 23:18


Blogger Megs said...

way to trust andrew! Seriously, it's not easy going agains the "norm" who knows what doors Gods gonna open now that you've taken the "less traveled" root...i look forward to hearing of your adventures! One last thing...where is Azerbejian?!

ps. you made it to seattle not quite whistler though! ;)

2:45 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

That's amazing Andrew. I respect your courage and trust in God.

5:21 PM  
Blogger Brent said...

sitick it to the man, man. break a neck bro

11:08 PM  
Blogger Leslie Puiras said...

this is exciting! I'd recommend keeping a personal journal if you aren't already. When you don't know exactly whats going to happen, that's when crazy stuff comes about.

10:18 PM  
Blogger ° ÐãVeØ ° said...

Dude, I miss you.
This is all hardcore man, and I bet there'll also be times in the future when you'll feel stuck at what the future will hold. But it'll all pan out in God's hands.
It's tough to trust like this, and I'm proud of you.
What I wouldn't give to spend a day with you. Just one day...

10:47 AM  
Blogger kaylie said...

awww Daveo you're in love with Andrew! that's sweet. too bad there's an ocean that separetes your love..
your just like Leslie and English Sarah

11:41 AM  
Blogger Twenty4Fifty said...

water cannot seperate true love! all it can do is delay it for a while.

12:31 PM  
Blogger SClerk said...

Andrew thats awesome, i like it! Its a scary yet great place to be in when God is in control stuff happens man!

I agree...water will never stop me and Fidler being together..possibly money...but never water!

10:30 AM  
Blogger Justin N said...

I can honestly say that was probably one of the most honest and coolest blog postings that I have ever seen. Andrew, you are the flippin man. And to comment on your true love with Daveo- he is coming to the States next year, SO pretty much you are going to have to come and visit him and me and Jimmy because we are all in Chicago. Pace Fuori bro.

5:58 PM  

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